Sun Microsystems co–founder Bill Joy’s now well–known article in wired, titled ‘Why the future doesn’t need us’, begun with the subheading: “Our most powerful 21st century technologies–robotics, genetics engineering, and nanotech–are threatening to make humans an endangered species.” Joy went on to express his fears about the new technologies, saying, for example, that robot might be dangerous because they might replicate; that we may not survive our encounter with the new species, and so on. Everyone has a point of view and something to say about this–some say Joy is exaggerating, some share his concern. But there’s no doubting the fact that robotics has come of age; it’s only a matter of time before we relegate more and more of our duties to the machines.The ‘new species‘– humanoid, bot, part-human-part-bot, whatever– has already been born.This article is courtsey Mr. Pravin K. Dubey.
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