Proxy Server - an intermediary !!

In a network, a proxy server is the entity that sits between corporate client machines and the Internet. For example, it may sit between a client application, such as a Web browser and the corporate server. Proxies are used to intercept incoming and outgoing requests to see if it can fulfill the requests itself. If not, it then forwards the request to the real server.

The most common types of proxy servers are called Forward and Reverse proxies:
A forward proxy is used to forward outgoing requests from a private network or intranet to the Internet, usually through a firewall. The main goal of the forward proxy is to provide a level of security and also to reduce network traffic.
In contrast, a reverse proxy handles requests coming from the Internet to the private network or intranet. This provides a level of security that prevents the Internet clients from having direct access to data on the corporate servers.

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Most large businesses, organizations, and universities these days use a proxy server. This is a server that all computers on the local network have to go through before accessing information on the Internet. By using a proxy server, an organization can improve the network performance and filter what users connected to the network can access.


A proxy server improves Internet access speeds from a network primarily by using a caching system. Caching saves recently viewed Web sites, images, and files on a local hard drive so that they don't have to be downloaded from the Web again. While your Web browser might save recently viewed items on your computer, a proxy server caches everything accessed from the network. That means if User1 views a blog article at at 1:00 and User2 views the same page at 1:03, he'll most likely get the page straight from the proxy server's cache. Though this means super-fast access to Web pages, it also means users might not be seeing the latest update of each Web page

The other main purpose a proxy server is to filter what is allowed into the network. While HTTP, FTP, and Secure protocols can all be filtered by a proxy server, HTTP is the most common. The proxy server can limit what Web sites users on the network can access. Many organizations choose to block access to sites with objectionable material such as hacking information and pornography, but other sites can be filtered as well. If an employer notices workers are spending too much time at sites like eBay or, those sites can be blocked by the proxy server as well.


Gmail is no more 'Beta' !!

Good Bye! to Beta
Google has removed the 'BETA' label from its very famous email service called Gmail. This is also applicable to Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Talk, and Google Video for Business. The move is seen as a way to attract large businesses to Google Apps (its suite of messaging and productivity applications).

Released on April 1, 2004, Gmail was still in beta five years and tens of millions of users later.

According to Google it has beefed up the Google Apps suite by adding offline access to e-mail and calendars and streamlining access to Google Apps for BlackBerry users.
Google also says that its Web-based messaging platform is now more compatible with Microsoft Outlook and it has improved contact management for Google Apps.

What is Beta ?
The term "beta" refers to a piece of software or web application that's still being developed.
Expect problems with betas and you won't be surprised, but enjoy the thrill of being among the first to use a new bit of software.
If you don't like those kinds of thrills wait until the software is "out of" beta.

The beta version of a software release is considered to be a preview. It has all the standard features, but is not yet ready for wide release or sale. During this point, the company will collect feedback from users about the product's usability — what they like and what should be changed — before the product's wide release.

What Google representatives say ?
.......... by no means does the removal of the beta label mean Google will stop innovating and experimenting with new features offered through Google Labs for Gmail, Google Calendar, and other Google App services. They say existing Google Labs users can re-enable the beta label for Gmail from the Labs tab under Settings.
