TV over Internet !

After the boom of internet...., to make your internet connection more packaged and in the trend of providing more services with a single attachment with the customer, operators are providing IPTV service.

IPTV is the acronym for Internet Protocol TeleVision.

It is basically a technology that delivers video or TV broadcasts over the Internet.

Instead of receiving television or video over the broadcast waves, cable lines or through a satellite TV service, your TV is attached directly into a broadband Internet router and receives digital signal directly over the Internet.

For example, you use your Telephone line (e.g. MTNL/BSNL landlines) for calls , internet surfing and of course for watching your favourite TV channels.

The Brighter Side:
  • One of the advantages of IPTV is the ability for digital video recorders (DVRs) to record multiple broadcasts at once.
  • However, the real advantage of IPTV is that it uses Internet protocols to provide two-way communication for interactive television. One application might be in game shows in which the studio audience is asked to participate by helping a contestant choose between answers.
  • One can also receive Web service notifications while watching IPTV for things such as incoming email and instant messages.

The Darker Side:

  • Packet LossDue to the use of Internet Protocol,one may experience time to time a packet loss or delays.
  • Most of the IPTV systems currently do not support HDTV(High Definition TVs) broadcasts. However, technology is improving and it will be corrected in the near future.